
Smile at us, pay us, pass us; but do not quite forget; For we are the people of England, that never have spoken yet.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Why I stopped posting

It soon became apparent that there was so much anglophobia - contempt for British values and the British way of life - that blogging it would have become a full time job.

It is not simply a case of Islamic separatism or the communalism of this and other immigrant minorities - one cannot entirely blame them for seeking to retain their own culture and promote their own values if they can get away with it, look at the British colonisation of the Costas! - but the contempt by the nation's own ruling class, and specifically (if not exclusively) the Labour Party and their allies in the media, for the British culture per se.

In the apartment beneath me a university accomodates foreign students who are extraordinarily loud and hold frequent parties. I can't really blame them - it's what kids do - but the authorities bear some responsibility for placing them in a quiet building otherwise occupied by old ladies and families.

My own hypothesis vis Labour is this - post-Marxist materialists, they never forgave the (mainly) white working class for voting Tory. They concluded that all that mattered to them was money. Therefore they chose to kill two birds with one stone - ramp up the economy by an open-door immigration policy that provided a pool of cheap labour, and in doing so provide themselves with a new generation of voters who would gratefully recall their largesse (oh and also salve those guilty middle class consciences by sharing the wealth of Britain with the developing world).

They had no consideration for the impact on the indigenous culture that unmanaged migration would effect because, being materialists, culture to them was something unsubstantial, irrelevant. But what are you ACTUALLY talking about? They would ask with a Millibandesque severity, and you had better watch your words my son for fear of being branded a racist.

Yet now we have a nation dazed by multiculturalism, relativism, and exceptionalism, a nation in which minority guilt (and I'm talking about the largely white elite) has drowned the pride the common people of all races and religions used to take in our shared identity as the British. Yes, it was a largely white, culturally Christian nation with a shared "island history" but why the hell not? Does not India or Pakistan have a cultural identity too?

Britain is not an ideological nation like the US or even France. It has no big idea - it is essentially a tribe which over the years has absorbed many other cultures and races but remained essentially "British". My own antecedence is from England, Scotland, France and Germany, yet my ancestors knew they had to "fit in" to get ahead and thank god for that. I know who I am and I know where I come from - I'm British from Britain, not torn between two cultures and countries, speaking one language at work and another at home.

This is not to say it is all doom and gloom - there will always be an England. But I strongly believe a community has to be coherent to prosper. Increasingly we see the rise of communlalism and other tensions. And not only to prosper - to be happy. Britain today seems to me to be one of the unhappiest places upon the planet. Materialism is plainly not enough. Multiculturalism (which after all was actually a form of imperialism, the assumption being "our" culture was so plainly superior it would plainly be adopted by the newcomers who could enrich it with some exotic clothes and spices) has failed. We cannot, and should not, turn the clock back, but radical times call for radical solutions - perhaps it IS time for us to become an ideological nation. A constitutional arrangement not unlike the US, sans guns, might do the trick. It was after all penned by Englishmen.

These days I can usually find my dose of "anglophobia" over at Islamophobia Watch run, incidentally, not by Muslims but a Marxist agitator named Bob Pitt, who seeks to promote the culture of grievance and thereby presumably further his own agenda for the coming Revolution, utterly impervious to the way the Islamists wiped the floor with the Socialist Workers Party over RESPECT. But there we go, useful idiots, etc...

History has certainly been there and done that.

Sadly the racist BNP have been more or less left with an open goal. Labour having abandoned the white working class. The BNP argument is often very effective because it is frequently based on the truth, but such is our Gramskian culture of "political" correctness that only they can say it. However, please, never forget that at the end of the day their destination is about people's race, not their culture, no matter how diverting the journey.

It has often been said that the British like to vote Tory but get Labour. I suspect at the coming election, despite the Conservatives sounding Labour, the people are very much hoping to get a Tory party that can claw back some of the cultural ground lost.

One final thing. I was lunching with an Arab, Muslim, friend the other day and we got to talking about the civilisational conflict between the West and Islam and how bleak everything looked, and I said, well of course there is always China, and South America. Oh, he said, I hadn't thought about them.

My point was - it's a big world. Somewhere, someone will be getting along in peace. There will be a future and my bet is, despite the hard times ahead, it will be Western values of liberty, Reason and Christian love that prevail.

They may not be the most fanatical, but they are certainly the most resilient. I hesitate to say that God is on our side but, damn it, he always has been in the past!
