
Smile at us, pay us, pass us; but do not quite forget; For we are the people of England, that never have spoken yet.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Why Anglophobia?

I often ask that myself - what's the problem? Ok, so according to Niall Fergerson we made the modern world, but hey, someone had to...

This blog is inspired by Islamophobiawatch - a beautiful looking site which documents the war against Islam, according to its strapline, which seems to mean that any criticism of Islam is treated as an act of war. At Islamaphobia Watch comment is most definitely not free.

But I wonder about Islamaphobia. I'm reminded of the wake of 7/7 when London commuters were handed leaflets by police. Not asking them whether they had witnessed anything suspicious, but warning them against Islamaphobia. Proportionately hate crimes against Muslims are dwarfed by those against Jews, which surely doesn't make much sense when Islamaphobia has such a high profile...?

Anglophobia however is visceral and real. In July 2005 it was manifested in the murder of 52 of us. Yet demonstrators idolise the Magnificent Four and plots unfold to, allegedly, knock our planes out of the sky. Young women mask their faces from us in the ultimate act of passive aggression, while conceptual artists are hounded from their homes.

However, it's not just about Muslims, it sometimes feels like the whole world is out to get us! There are few Hollywood thrillers without the requisite English baddy, and as for the Scots...

Anglophobia is sadly more widespread than some might think.


At 4:36 PM, Blogger Delightful said...

Anglophobia is VERY real

My old site AAA is now at:

Also visit the real culprits behind the phobia at

Fuck All Celts & Antipodeans


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